Sunday, June 29, 2008

Family Resemblence

I was organizing some photos today when I came across this picture of Wes as a baby (his brother is holding him). People keep telling me that they see both Wes and me in Ella, but this picture of Wes might as well be a picture of Ella! She looks just like him! I'll try to dig around to find my baby picture too, but for now, it's all Wes! :)

To compare, here is one of Ella. And one at a similar-ish view...

Please ignore my face-LOL. I'm only showing this picture to compare. :)
Anyway, I thought it was neat how much she looks like Wes!


Kevin Knox said...

I sometimes cannot tell when people are identical twins.

Melanie said...

Hey! I know it's late, but CONGRATS! She's beautiful (and she DOES look a lot like Wes!)!

My sister is due in mid-October. Aren't babies wonderful?!

Praying for you, Wes, and Ella!

Anonymous said...

I love this blog! What a great idea :)

karenlouise24 said...

You are right. I could only see Rachel in her until I saw Wes's baby picture. She is going to be one beautiful child!